2022 AGM

Oct. 05, 2022

You’re invited to join us at 6:30 pm on October 16, 2022, at the Derrick for SWEMBA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).


At our AGM, we will present a season review and the draft budget for 2023. Also, Board members will be elected. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions or provide feedback so that the Board can create a successful 2023 season.



Banff Room at The Derrick - 3500 119 St NW

6:30pm - 7:30pm - SWEMBA AGM



We have several Director or Committee positions vacant on our Board.  We require members to fill these positions in order to help ensure the ongoing operations and success of the White Sox. 


We also have several current Board Members that will let their name stand for their current position. All positions at the end of their term will be voted on (if more than one candidate) or acclaimed at the AGM.


Board Executive (3-year Terms) 

  1. President - Greg Busch (completed year 2 of 3)
  2. Vice President - Neil Kautz (completed year 1 of 3)
  3. Secretary - Shawn Davison (completed year 2 of 3)
  4. Treasurer - Alana White 


Directors (1-year Terms)

  1. Technical Director - Brad Harsch - letting name stand
  2. Coaching Director - Ryan McGillivray - letting name stand
  3. Facilities Director - Keri Devlin - letting name stand
  4. Assistant Facilities Coordinator - vacant
  5. Fund Development Director - Vacant
    1. Sponsorship Chair - Vacant
    2. Grant Chair - Vacant
    3. Casino Chair - Vacant
    4. Events Committee Chair - Vacant
  6. Rally Cap Director - Danielle Vallee - letting name stand
  7. 9U Division Director - Troy MacDonald - letting name stand
  8. 11U Division Director - Dave Stebner - letting name stand
  9. 13U Division Director - Vacant
  10. Sr. Division Director - Kevin Bhandal - letting name stand
  11. Competitive Div Director - Craig Roberge - letting name stand
  12. Communications Director - Vacant
    1. Social Media - Vacant
  13. IT and Registrar - Frank Langenecker - letting name stand
  14. Equipment Director -  Michael Connors - letting name stand
    1. Apparel Coordinator - Vacant 
  15. Volunteer Director - Coral Larocque - letting name stand


If you are interested in any of these positions please email the current Vice President, Neil Kautz at vicepresident@swemba.ca

Thank you to those who’ve already reached out and shown interest in some of these positions. Your positions will be acclaimed or voted on at the AGM.

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