Bylaws and Policy Manual


SWEMBA Policy Manual


Code of Conduct Coaches:


The responsibilities of each coach include:

  1. I treat my participants with respect.
  2. I avoid sarcasm, put-downs and ridicule.
  3. I praise my participants for participating.
  4. I look for positives and publicly identify them.
  5. I have reasonable and realistic expectations of my participants.
  6. I remind my participants not to get down on themselves, particularly during adversity.
  7. I encourage laughter and a sense of humor.
  8. I stay calm when participants make a mistake.
  9. I quietly and privately correct a participant’s mistake.
  10. I am a role model of good sportsmanship.
  11. I never allow participants to gloat over winning.
  12. I never allow participants to complain about losing.
  13. I encourage participants to treat the opposition and officials with respect and fairness.
  14. I encourage participants to congratulate the opposition, win or lose.


Code of Conduct Parents:


The responsibilities of each parent include:

  1. Have your child to practices and games on time.
  2. Encourage a “team mentality” on and off the field.
  3. Recognize that baseball is a game of errors; be supportive when your child makes an error and emphasize the positive things they have done. The more confident our players are, the better they will play and the more fun they will have.
  4. Be respectful of and support the coaches and umpires who are volunteering their time to help your child have fun and learn the wonderful sport of baseball.
  5. 24 hour rule: If you have an issue with anything during the year, I ask that you give it at least 24-48 hours and bring it to the Team Manager/Coach Liaison
  6. Coaches will do their best to coach players on the fundamentals and mechanics of baseball - but also know that baseball and coaching is about players learning resilience, about dealing with failure, receiving feedback, and dealing with consequences - these are also valuable life lessons players are learning.
  7. Be a positive role model - yell encouragements to our team, avoid criticisms from the stands and in particular please do not criticize the umpires.




Code of Conduct PLAYERs

The responsibilities of each plater include:

  1. Be on time (for practice and for games) - typically, for practice, be ready to go for start time. For games - we are typically at the field an hour before game time. Attendance for practices and games is mandatory - unless previously discussed and arranged with the Coaching sta?. Update Team Snap on a regular basis.
  2. Be COACHABLE - means listening, means trying, means being open to feedback, means playing where the coach asks you to, and means asking for clarity if you do not under- stand something.
  3. We look for positive things to say to each other both when we make good plays or make a mistake. We “Pick each other up”!
  4. We make sure that we purposely involve each person on the team in group activities and discussions whenever possible.
  5. Bullying (put-downs, name-calling, excluding or isolating teammates, whispering about teammates) are unacceptable.
  6. If we see a teammate bullying another teammate, we either:
    1. Step up and Speak up, or
    2. Retreat and Report (to a coach or adult)
  7. We never gloat over winning.
  8. We never complain about losing.
  9. We treat coaches, other players, and umps with respect.
  10. We will congratulate the opposition, win or lose.
  11. We dress like a baseball player (socks, baseball pants, belt, cup, HAT, gear, etc)…at times, your coach may approve shorts for practice.
  12. We recognize that we are young, developing athletes and that we will make mistakes and that is OK! We know that making mistakes is part of becoming better athletes and view mistakes as an opportunity to learn about and improve ourselves.

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